Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job - Essay Example One of the most important consequences of saying ‘Good Job!’ to a child constantly, Kohn argues, is that it reduces the child’s real achievement. â€Å"As if it weren’t bad enough that ‘Good job!’ can undermine independence, pleasure, and interest, it can also interfere with how good a job children actually do. Researchers keep finding that kids who are praised for doing well at a creative task tend to stumble at the next task – and they don’t do as well as children who weren’t praised to begin with.† (Kohn) In a reflective analysis of this argument made by Kohn, it becomes evident that the author is highly sensible in making this point, because practical experience as well as research evidences supports his claim. One must agree with the author that it is time to stop praising children by saying ‘Good Job!’ because it creates pressure to the youngsters to keep up the good work. It is unquestionable fact that ‘Good job!’ often ignores the thoughts, feelings, and values behind the behaviors of human beings and it unfortunately promotes the less desirable motives in the child.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literacies for Learning Essay Example for Free

Literacies for Learning Essay The necessity for educational institutions to equip students with the skills to cope in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse and globalised 21st century society, has led academics, such as the New London Group, to encourage educators to acknowledge the various literacy forms utilised in the new millennium (The New London Group, 1996) and to adopt a pedagogy of multiliteracies. This essay will explore the components of a pedagogy of multiliteracies and identify the transformations needed for the successful implementation of multiliteracies into educational practice. Likewise, the notion of language as a social practice which influences teaching content and assessment practices in secondary education will be examined, as will the use of multiliteracies in the teaching of the Mathematics curriculum. To understand the role of multiliteracies in pedagogy theory development, it is important to define the term literacy. Literacy is an evolving term that refers to an individual’s ability to construct and comprehend meaning via the accepted symbol systems of one’s country or language group (Winch, Johnston, March, Ljungdahl, Holliday, 2010). These symbol systems include written and spoken language and visual information such as icons and other graphical information. While literacy was traditionally viewed as a cognitive process with a focus on reading, writing and numeracy identification, in recent years its definition has become broadened to encompass the burgeoning text types being generated via multimedia and information technology (Winch et al., 2010). These electronic text types have quickly established themselves as integral components of a diverse range of 21st century vocations and social interactions (Tan, 2006).  A pedagogy of multiliteracies encompasses multimedia and digital text forms as well as traditional written and spoken texts. Likewise, the central role of literacy in a diverse range of knowledge domains and vocations has resulted in educators being encouraged to view literacy as a vital skill underpinning successful teaching and learning in all curriculum areas. The New London Group (1996) viewed the role of design as an ever changing paradigm of three stage teaching and learning processes. The first step, ‘Available Designs’ is determining what resources are available. These resources include texts, symbols, audio and visual resources. The second step is ‘Designing’ which takes these ‘Available Designs’ and places them within a social context, such as the classroom or learning environment, and is facilitated by an individual such as a teacher. This step creates an output with new meaning for both the learning environment and facilitator. This knowledge or new meaning is known as ‘Redesign’ (The New London Group, 1996). Literacy is a social practice that is not just taught in secondary schools, it is something which is part of each individual’s everyday life. According to Anstey Bull (2000), the way in which an individual may read the world will be strongly linked to the contexts of their own life. The NSW Department of Education and Training (2006) maintains that literacy is a skill that continues to grow and develop and is fundamental to students’ success at school as well as for the rest of their life. For literacy to be successful in schools, it is planned in collaboration with parents and teachers. This collaborative approach reinforces that literacy is inherently a social practice. This approach must include a range of social influences and practices, in order to increase student’s knowledge and skill in the real world for real purposes (NSW Department of Education and Training, 2006). As literacy development is undoubtedly a whole school and community approach, it is essential that a multiliteracies pedagogy, be utilised in the teaching of all curriculum areas. The impact of societal and cultural change is clearly reflected in the mathematics curriculum through the use of digital technologies such as graphical programs and spreadsheets. This use of technology provides numerous opportunities for the teaching of multiliteracies. Through explicit teaching and learning  experiences of digital texts, students are provided with the skills to successfully navigate and comprehend information communicated digitally. These skills can be acquired through students being provided with opportunities to access information via Internet websites. Likewise, students can use information technology to construct their own texts, thus allowing them to communicate their understanding of concepts to others. This may be achieved by encouraging students to construct texts through the use of software programs such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visio, both of which allow students to communicate information graphically. These digital mediums allow students to acquire skills which will assist them in acquiring real world skills which they can utilise to gain and construct meaning, both in and out of the classroom. (Winch et al., 2010). Technology is an essential part of the transformations taking place in the social, political, cultural and economic spheres of contemporary society (Groundwater- Smith, Brennan, McFadden, Mitchell and Munns, 2009). Secondary school teachers need to prepare students with the skills necessary for life in a rapidly changing, technological world. In order to equip students with these skills, teachers must possess deep knowledge of relevant technologies (Treadwell, 2008). The Mathematics curriculum includes teaching of: statistics, probability, algebra, financial concepts, economics, technology, measurement and trigonometry. These strands include skills applicable to an individual’s school/work life, social life and personal life. Mathematics content areas, focus on aspects of society, reform, technology and life skills. It is important for teachers to link the social practice of literacy with the factors of a pedagogy of multiliteracies to create the best teaching environment they can (The New London Group, 1996). Walsh (2006) cites an example of successfully teaching his students literacy practices, through social relationships. Students worked in groups and were able to demonstrate specific social language structures. They were able to â€Å"enact, recognise and negotiate† in a social environment (The New London Group, 1996, p. 3) by design and re-design of Internet web pages. The created web pages were diverse, with each student using their own discourse to create what they believed the web page should contain. Prior to using multi-modal and digital literacy mediums in their teaching, it is essential that teachers be aware of cognitive and language factors in learning. The  ability to use multimodal learning, digital literacies and genres specific to each curriculum area must be carefully planned by the teacher. According to Winch et al., (2010) a multiliteracy pedagogy involves developing the ability to use language purposefully and skillfully in a range of social settings, rather than learning isolated segments of knowledge such as grammar conventions and spelling. Multiliteracy includes the use and creation of multimodal and multimedia texts (Winch et al., 2010). Multiliteracy seeks to address the rapid changes in literacy brought about by globalisation, cultural and social diversity and information technology (Winch et al., 2010). In response to these societal changes, The New London Group (1996), questioned the role of schools and outlined a need for change in literacy teaching due to key changes in three areas of life: working life, public life and personal life (life worlds). Central to these changes, was the need for schools to integrate learning with life experiences that students have both in and out of the classroom. â€Å"As these three major realms of social activity have shifted, so the roles and responsibilities of schools must shift† (The New London Group, 1996, p.18). The New London Group advocated for a change in the way, education was delivered, by enhancing the existing structures and overlaying with a new â€Å"what† and â€Å"how† of literacy teaching (The New London Group, 1996). The ‘how’ of pedagogy comes from a view of how learning is acquired, embedded and utilised. The New London Group (1996) proposed that a pedagogy of multiliteracies is a complex blend of four methods of design. The first is Situated Practice which involves learning by creating meaningful learning experiences that allow students be in an environment where the learning replicates the social use of what is being learnt. It is an environment where risks can be taken and ‘trial and error’ is used to gain mastery of skills or knowledge. It should be used â€Å"developmentally, to guide learners to the experiences and the assistance they need to develop further as members of the community, capable of drawing on, and ultimately contributing to, the full range of it’s resources.† (The New London Group, 1996, p. 33). Situated Practice should be designed to motivate students to want to know, and engage students in their learning in a safe environment . Assessment or evaluation is not considered part of Situated Practice. Overt Instruction is the second method of how a pedagogy of mulitliteracies is  implemented.  This involves teachers guiding and using effective teaching techniques such as scaffolding or explicit instruction to build student’s knowledge and confidence. Examination of the current secondary school’s Mathematics curriculum, (NSW department of Education and Training, 2010) reveals many opportunities for teachers and students to collaborate and engage in dialogue related to mathematical concepts which will guide and provide a scaffold for student learning. For example, the teacher makes links with prior learning, through asking open questions to the group, and uses multi-modal methods such as mathematical symbols, diagrams, charts and pictures to add to the learning. With each progression of new learning in the lesson, the teacher labels a new part of the diagram. Overt Instruction â€Å".includes centrally the sorts of collaborative efforts between teacher and student wherein the student is both allowed to accomplish a task more complex than they can accompli sh on their own and they are conscious of the teacher’s representation and interpretation of that task.† (The New London Group (1996, p. 20). Thirdly, Critical Framing focuses on the â€Å"how† of a pedagogy of multiliteracies, through the use and application of real world knowledge. This method is where assessment and evaluation of one’s self understanding can begin in relation to cultural, social, political and historical influences on what has been learned (New London Group, 1996). Teachers are able to encourage students to apply their learning in a practical sense and assess the transfer of student’s knowledge or skill. This knowledge is based on what they have previously learned, and requires students to â€Å"constructively critique it, account for its cultural location; creatively extend and apply it and eventually innovate own† and strengthen their ability to demonstrate what they have learned (The New London Group, 1996, p. 37). A mathematical example of this process is the conversion of degrees to radians. Its real life use is the calculation of the speed of a piece of machin ery. This calculation includes the formula in terms of radians rather than degrees. Finally, Transformed Practice is â€Å"where we try and re-enact a discourse by engaging in it for our real purposes† (The New London Group, 1996, p. 36).  Students need to think and learn outside their own discourse and think about how they can re-create their meaning, linking their own discourses to understand what they have learned. An example of this practice was where students were asked to plan and present a lesson including a Wiki activity and a Prezi (presentation tool) that teaches the concepts from a previous mathematics lesson. In groups, students collaboratively utilised the Internet to research topics, and create: work sheets for others to complete, interactive wiki activities, team tasks, and their own YouTube clips. The lesson included the use and creation of multimodal texts and scaffolding of existing knowledge. Students developed new knowledge through authentic multimodal texts such as image, sound, video and written text (Tan, 2006). Gunning (2002) explores the impact of reading and writing difficulties in a social stance, and highlights that poor instructions given by teachers can contribute to a student’s difficulties. Gunning’s (2002) observations and research serve as a reminder that teachers must be sure to provide the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of multiliteracies, to ensure each student has the opportunity to progress. Teachers need to evaluate their current practice and identify the text types typically used in the Mathematics content areas and consider the social needs and teaching strategies that will develop student’s literacy skills (Goos, Stillman., Vale, 2007). In a mathematics lesson, students were introduced to the ‘Simpson’s rule’ formula. The lesson’s aim was for students to measure the area beneath a real life object, gain an understanding of what is needed to complete the formula and how the variables are calculated. Students were required to work collaboratively in pairs, discussing various ways in which measurements were taken in order to obtain an accurate result in working out the area of the object. Likewise, students were required to engage in higher order thinking, in order to formulate possible solutions to the dilemma. These experiences provided students with the opportunity to be inclusive in their learning, and consolidate their understanding of key concepts that are relevant to the lesson goals (Prain Hand, 1999). Teacher observations and questioning during group work, guided the student’s discussions, with the teacher embracing a teaching style where multiliteracies were used. The New London Group (1996) have profoundly impacted on teaching practices, literacy research, policy curriculum and pedagogy (Mills, 2006). Gee (1991) explores  social literacy and the impact of a student’s discourse that are established outside the classroom, from their social group, fa mily and cultural ties. Their view of literacy as social practice and their emphasis on incorporating the rapidly increasing number of electronic and multimodal text types in 21st century society into teaching practice represents a clear break away from the single dimensional teaching of literacy. However, for multiliteracies such as digital literacies, multimodal resources and ICT to provide best learning for students, teachers must be prepared to embrace the view that literacy is a social practice and and an essential skill underpinning all curriculum areas. Teachers also need to recognise that each lesson they teach to students provides the opportunity to develop the student’s literacy skills. In order to facilitate this change in pedagogical ideology, teachers must be prepared to evaluate their current teaching practice and adopt a more holistic approach to developing literacy skills in their students. As a consequence, students should be exposed to participative learning experiences with re al life learning outcomes. References Anstey, M., Bull, G. (2000). Developing multiple and critical readings of text. Reading the visual: Written and illustrated children’s literature (pp. 201-214). Sydney: Harcourt. Gee, J. (1991) What is literacy? In C.Mitchell K. Weiler (Eds.), Rewriting literacy. New York: Bergin Garvey Goos, M. Stillman, G. Vale,C. (2007). Teaching secondary mathematics. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen Unwin. Gunning, T. (2002). Factors involved in reading and writing difficulties. Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties (2nd ed., pp. 26-62). Sydney: Allyn Bacon. Mills, K. (2006). Discovering design possibilities through a pedagogy of multiliteracies. Journal of Leading Design, 1(3), 61-72 NSW Department of Education and Training. (2010). NSW Department of Education and Training. (2007). Literacy K-12 Policy Retrieved from New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (2006). State literacy plan 2006-2008: Equitable literacy achievements for all students. Retrieved from Prain Hand (1999) Tan, L. (2006). Literacy for the 21st Century. Retrieved from The New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. In B.Cope M. Klantzis (Eds.), Multiliteracies, literacy learning and the design of social futures (pp. 9-37). London: Macmillan. Walsh, C. (2006). Beyond the workshop. Doing multiliteracies with adolescents. English in Australia, 41(3), 49-58 Winch, G., Johnston, R., March, P., Ljungdahl, L., Holliday, M. (2010). Literacy: Reading, writing and childrens literature (4th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis (eds), Multiliteracies: Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures, Routledge, London, 2000, 350pp. | link

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Crusader Castles: A Medieval Culmination :: miscellaneous

Crusader Castles: A Medieval Culmination King Edward I of England made a number of military campaigns during his reign, in two of which he captured modern-day Wales. In order to hold his gains he built a series of castles, which are said to still be some of the world’s greatest strongholds. But, over 3500 kilometres away a period of fascinating castle building took place prior to Edward’s as a result of the crusades. These constructions were designed by absorbing the constructive wisdom of the crusaders and those they came into contact with. The crusader castles were built faster, larger, and stronger, to create what are without a doubt, the world’s greatest strongholds. The crusaders designed their castles to provide the essentials needed for survival while developing design techniques capable of turning a castle into a stronghold that were mimicked throughout the medieval world. Once their castles were designed the crusaders displayed a construction ability and ingenuity that turned the designs into r eality, taking any material they could obtain and use it to create anything they needed. So successful was their construction that attacking forces of incredibly larger numbers were needed to capture only a select few of the castles over a hundred year period, and often the circumstances of capture were not a fault of design but an unfortunate twist of fate. Through design, construction, and history, a picture emerges of a pioneering period of military construction that was never matched. The design of a castle is most certainly the greatest factor in its defensive capabilities, and many of the innovations credited to the development of the castle finds itself in the history of the crusades. The most significant development is the concentric castle; this is the concept in which the inner walls are able to fire over the outer walls, either because of close proximity or size. In this manner the maximum amount of firepower can be directed at any one point. Belvoir (See Fig. 1 in appendix) is not only a perfect concentric castle but is also the first datable one (circa 1168). The outer wall was built with flanking towers and towers enforcing the centre of each wall span, with the exception of the gatehouse wall. This wall encloses an area of 130 x 100 meters1, making it one of the largest enclosure castles, it also encloses two further walls, the first of which has only one tower because of its close proximity to the outer wall, the inner wall is built with flanking towers to support the middle bailey.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Brief Overview of World War I

The World War 1 conflict began in 1914 to 1918. It started as a nearby European war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on July 28th 1914. It transformed into a general European struggle by declaration of the following nations known as the ‘Allies' and the ‘Associated Powers'; Great britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United states. These nations defied the coalition(central powers). The assassination at Sarajevo in bosnia immediately caused the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on June 28th 1914. The Triple Entente was involved in the first world war along with the Triple Alliance. The Triple alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1882. These Countries agreed to assist each other if attacked by either France or Russia. In WW1, Germany attacked France which caused the Triple alliance to support them in there war. Russia, who feared the growth in the German army, joined up with Britain and France which eventually formed the Triple Entente. The Russian Government was also very cautious and concerned about the possibility of Austria-Hungary increasing the size of their army's population. One of the causes of World War was that they made all the aforementioned items join in the war (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) and then was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, him and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was part of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary was in protest of having control of this region. Serbia wanted Herzegovina and Bosnia to belong to them. This assassination led to Serbia being declared of war by Austria-Hungary. When Russia began to mobilize because of its alliance with Serbia, Germany quickly declared war on Russia. This expanded the war including all those involved in the mutual defense alliances. Another cause was Nationalism. Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be part of Austria-Hungary but instead be part of Serbia because most of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples. nationalism led directly to the War in this way. The nationalism of countries throughout Europe contributed to the extension of the war and the beginning- in a general way. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power through this. The Battle of Gallipoli was one of the major events that occurred in WW1. This battle began in 1915. By the spring, it sunk stalemate as there was combat on the Western Front. Trenches that stretched from the English channel to the swiss border, there were Enemy troops basically staring at each other. Neither opponent could outflank its enemy resulting in costly direct attacks on well-fortified defenses. Movement of each sides were predicted at the beginning of the conflict had devolved into deadly war(or stagnation). The Battle of Verdun is another major event caused it WW1. it is considered the greatest and lengthiest battle in world history. There has never been a more lengthy battle such as this one, involving so many men, situated on such a tiny piece of land. The battle of Verdun lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916 caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing). The battlefield wasn't even ten square kilometres. There can be no justification for these losses from a strategic point of view. The battle transformed into a matter of prestige of two nations literally for the sake of fighting! Economic change: Technology and weapons experienced a great boost after the war, as the production of automobiles, airplanes, radios, guns, weapons of mass destruction(WMA), and even certain chemicals, boosted wildly. The advantages of mass production and the use of machinery to perform former human labor tasks and encounters, proved to stimulate the economy, the United States' in for example. Much of Europe suffered eye opening losses of property and landscape as well as finances. Europe had the respect of the world as a very reliable money-lender by 1914. Yet just four years later, Europe was in danger for their greatly in debt to her allies for their financial contributions towards the war effort, owing them round about $10 billion. For them to pay back their allies, Many of the European governments began to rapidly print a lot of money, only to subject their countries to a period of inflation. The middle class members who had been living rather comfortably on investments started to experience a bumpy financial period. Germany was hit the hardest in struggling terms with the war reparations, and the German mark drastically lowered the inflation value. In 1923,No more than three months into that year, the German mark boosted from 4. 6 million marks to the dollar to 4. 2 trillion marks to the German dollar. It occurred that the inflation knew it had no bounds.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Essay on John Keats

Endymion is one of Keat’s early adventures in poetry.   The poem reflects Keats’ attitude to beauty.   Endymion is a youth renowned for his beauty and his perpetual sleep.   As he slept in Mount Latmus in Caria, his beauty warmed the cold hearts of Seleue (the Moon) who came down to him, kissed him and lay by his side.   His eternal sleep on Latmus is assigned to different causes but it is generally believed that Seleue had sent him to sleep that she might be able to kiss him. Keats has certainly made use of the myth of Endymion to explore his own way to realize the truth that is beauty (Hewlett, 1949).   But the myth remains only the framework.   Keats invents quite a lot.   Aileen Ward (1963) in this connection says:â€Å"the legend of Endymion’s winning immortal youth through the love of the Moon – Goddess was only the beginning or rather the ending; he had to fill up his four books with living characters, set them moving in a world of th eir own and breathe new meaning into the old legend.†And this meaning he does, indicate at the beginning of the poem:â€Å"A thing of beauty is a joy of ever;Its loveliness increases: it will neverPass into nothing; but still will keepA bower quite for us, and a sleepFull of sweet dreams, and health and quite breathing.†The theme of the poem is love, beauty and youth.   He starts this marvelous adventure laden with exotic scenery, in mid April and locates it aptly in the Isle of Wight:â€Å" †¦ So I’ll beginNow while I cannot hear the cities’ dire;Now while the early hudders are just new,And run in mazes of the youngest hewAbout old forests; while the willow trailsIts delicate ambrer; and the dairy pailsBring home increase of milk†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There are certainly inspired pieces in the first book as Hymn of Pan.   It begins after a description of the Festival of the God, which held on a lawn in a forest on a slope of Mount Latmus.   The whole a ssembly is addressed by the old priest who tells the worshippers of the bounties which Pan has heaped upon them.   The imagery is well chosen to explain the manifestation of God’s energy.   All the objects are described in happy phrases.   The God is associated with the objects of nature, every aspect which imagination, hunting for the objectively mysterious, can comprehend.   The Hymn ends in the lines in which Pan is:â€Å"†¦ The unimaginable lodgeFor solitary thinkings; such as dodgeConception to the very Bourne of HeavenThen leave the naked brain†¦.†The style of Endymion is largely that of â€Å"I Stood Tip-Toe† and â€Å"Sleep and Poetry.† This is luscious, half–feminine and often beautiful (Roe, 1997).   There is a distinct growth, of course, in craftsmanship but the most important point about Keats at this state is his depth and breath of philosophic apprehension of myth.   If we try to search for the meaning of the poe m in the organism of the structure, the divided self of Keats might be clearer, though it will affirm his inclination on the realistic side even at this stage.   The control in certain portions of the poem is uncertain partly because Keats was a young and undisciplined artist (Steinhoff, 1987). Up to the last moment, the hero as well as the poet till the last moment of his life is subject to conflicting desires.As a matter of fact, there is ambiguity in the poem.   The poem’s ending is presented in highly ambiguous way and it could be interpreted on two different levels.   On the mythological level, the maid – Indian Maiden – is only the Goddess in a disguise to test Endymion’s fidelity.   This is a fairy tale device.   So when Endymion seems to give up human love and asserts his devotion to â€Å"things of light† the maiden turns back into the Goddess and rewards him with the â€Å"immortality of passion† promised in the myth (Hew lett, 1949).To conclude, the real significance of the poem lies in search of truth, through the â€Å"bare-circumstance† of this legend.   Keats was the first poet in English who found a human meaning in the myth.   He did not fit myths into an allegorical pattern as Elizabethans did or did not only use them to decorative effect as the 18th Century people did.   Keats’ contribution lies in finding that the Greek myths were relevant to our inner experiences.ReferencesHewlett, Dorothy. 1949. â€Å"A Life of John Keats,† Hurst & Blackett, pp.325-326.Roe, Nicholas, 1997. â€Å"John Keats and the Culture of Dissent†, Oxford Clarendon Press.Steinhoff, Stephen. 1987. â€Å"Keats’s Endymion: A Critical Edition,† The Whitston Publishing Company, Troy, New York, pp.295-300.Ward, Eileen. 1963. John Keats: The Making of a Poet, New York.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Crime Reduction and Prevention essays

Crime Reduction and Prevention essays Using the insight of the Rational Theorists, the objective of this work is to provide an explanation of why willing offenders are able to find suitable targets and/or an absence of guardians in these areas that make them so crime prone. This work will further, based upon the knowledge the writer possesses of the approaches that available for addressing crime and with the attitudes of the city of New York toward crime, recommendations will be developed for improvement of this hot spots. There are many theoretical perspectives one might apply in attempting to address a solution for reduction of the extremely high rate of crime in such cities as New York and one of these is the theory of the Rationalists which is quite similar to the situational prevention theory. The Rational Choice Theory is discussed in the work of Browning, Halcli and Webster (2000) entitled: Understanding Contemporary Society: Theories of the Present who state that this theory is one that makes the assumption that social phenomena that is complex is nature can be explained in terms of the elementary individual actions of which they are composed. (Scott, nd) This view is referred to as one based on methodological individualism, which states that: The elementary unit of social life is the individual human action. To explain social institutions and social change is to show how they arise as the result of the action and interactions of individuals. (Elster, 1989: 13; as cited in Scott, nd) This t heory holds that individuals are motivated by their wants or goals and that they act within specific, given restraints and on the basis of the information they have about the conditions under which they are acting. (Scott, nd) From the perspective of the Rational Theorists the factor of social interaction and exchange ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Understatement

Definition and Examples of Understatement Definition Understatement is a  figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Contrast with hyperbole. Jeanne Fahnestock points out that understatement (particularly in the form known as litotes) is often used for self-deprecation on the rhetors part, as when the heavily decorated war hero says I have a few medals, or someone who has just won on American Idol observes I did OK (Rhetorical Style, 2011). See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: EmphasisEuphemismIronyLitotesMeiosisTop 20 Figures of Speech Examples A soiled baby, with a neglected nose, cannot be conscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty. (Mark Twain)I have to have this operation. It isnt very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain.(Holden Caulfield in The Catcher In The Rye, by J. D. Salinger)Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse.  (Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub, 1704)The graves a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. (Andrew Marvell, To His Coy Mistress)I am just going outside and may be some time. (Captain Lawrence Oates, Antarctic explorer, before walking out into a blizzard to face certain death, 1912)Vance: My, we are certainly in a good mood this morning.Pee-wee: That, my dear Vance, is the understatement of the year. Everything seems completely different to me today. The air smells so fresh. The sky seems a brand-new shade of blue. I dont think Ive ever noticed the beauty of this leaf. And Vance, have you always been so handsome?  (Wayne White and Paul Reubens in Big Top Pee-wee, 1988) This [double helix] structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.(Opening sentence of the Nature article announcing Crick and Watsons discovery of the structure of DNA)Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. (Anton Ego in Ratatouille, 2007)The new EU member states of Poland and Lithuania have been arguing this week for the summit to be called off, and criticizing the German preparations. For historical reasons, the east Europeans are highly sensitive to any sign of Germany cutting deals with Russia over their heads. (The Guardian, May 17, 2007)Well, thats cast rather a gloom over the evening, hasnt it?(Dinner guest, after a visit from the Grim Reaper, in Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life)The adjective cross as a description of his Jove-like wrath that consumed his whole being jarred upon Derek profoundly. It was as though Prometheus, with the vultures tearing his liver, had been asked if he were piqued. (P. G. Wodehouse, Jill the Reckless, 1922) British Understatement The British are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist bombings and threats to destroy nightclubs and airports, and therefore have raised their security level from Miffed to Peeved. Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to Irritated or even A Bit Cross. Brits have not been A Bit Cross since the Blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out.(anonymous post on the Internet, July 2007)Understatement is still in the air. It is not just a specialty of the English sense of humour; it is a way of life. When gales uproot trees and sweep away roofs of houses, you should remark that it is a bit blowy. I have just been listening to a man who got lost in a forest abroad for a week and was scrutinised by hungry wolves, smacking their lips. Was he terrified? - asked the television interviewer, obviously a man of Italian origin. The man replied that on the seventh day when there were no rescuers in sight and the sixth hungry wolf joined the pack, he got a bit worried. Y esterday, a man in charge of a home where 600 old people lived, which was found to be a fire risk where all the inhabitants might burn to death, admitted: I may have a problem. (George Mikes, How to Be a Brit. Penguin, 1986) Observations Understatement is a form of irony: the ironical contrast inheres in the discrepancy between what one would be expected to say and his actual refusal to say it.(Cleanth Brooks, Fundamentals of Good Writing: A Handbook of Modern Rhetoric. Harcourt, 1950)The use of understatement is something that satirists have a mastery of, but as a rhetorical device, we can use it to try to persuade someone by rewording a sentence in less offensive terms. For example, suppose we believe a persons idea to be in error and wish to point this out:I think there may be some additional factors that you may not have accounted for.Your analysis is far too simplistic. No one will take such an idiotic theory seriously. There are many other alternatives we could use, but consider that if we want to convince the person that they are mistaken then we need to pitch our objections accordingly. Perhaps the idea really is idiotic ... but is saying as much likely to incline them to change their opinion? For the second suggestion, it may depend on who we are talking to: a friend, say, may welcome the criticism but a stranger may not appreciate his or her thought being called simplistic, even if it is. Some people might still take offense at the first version, but the determining influences include what we want to achieve and whom we are talking to or writing for. How likely is a person to listen to our critique if they suspect we are talking down to them or dismissing them? (Heinz Duthel, History and Philosophy of Science. Lulu, 2008) Pronunciation: UN-der-STATE-ment Also Known As: litotes, diminutio

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Provide Needed Planning and Research for Dissertation

How to Provide Needed Planning and Research for Dissertation How to Provide Needed Planning and Research for Dissertation A dissertation is an academic task where a student is required to come up with a topic, plan and execute a project based on that topic and explain what he/she did and the findings. The most important stages to consider when preparing a dissertation include choosing a topic, coming up with research questions, planning the research for dissertation efficiently, being organized and using specified methods while conducting the study and finally reporting the research. Let us take a more in-depth look at these stages. Choosing a Topic In most cases, a minority of the students can clearly come up with research questions that enable them to address their research topic effectively. Majority of the students usually arrive here with several ideas in their mind but with no specific research question. With deadlines approaching fast, these students start panicking and becoming anxious. To ensure this does not happen, first, a student should talk to his or her friends, teachers or parents concerning the topic choice. Comments and feedback will serve as a guide but you need to make the final decision. Also, study other written materials in your field of study. Skim through other research papers in your library to find the most capturing topic. Additionally, focus on what interests you and be critical. Find out what you are skeptical about that needs to be studied further. A research study can either extend a previous study, explore an area that was not appropriately researched. Coming up with Research Questions Once your choice of topic has been accepted, start turning your topic into something meaningful. It is crucial to come up with a research problem at the beginning of your project. Doing this will keep your project on the right track. Revise your research problems as you get more information about your topic. Your research problem(s) should be focused regarding the subject, aspect and period of time. Research problems can be converted into questions to make your focus clearer. Planning Your Research Effectively A student should prepare a research proposal before preparing the project. A research proposal is a detailed document with around 2500 words describing your project and how you are going to undertake it. A proposal will help you think through your project. Next, you should create a research plan. It is wise to calculate how many days you have till the date of submission and then to draw a chart that shows what you will individually do on those days. It is essential to be realistic when planning. Being Organized and Strategic Each student is given a supervisor to help in providing ideas. Since academics are busy people, it is essential to arrange meetings with them early enough and have a subject to discuss on. Always be punctual. No one likes to be kept waiting. Undertake a literature review to gain more insight on your topic. It mainly involves reviewing materials that have been published (softcopy and hardcopy). Collect your data and record it accurately. Reporting the Research At this stage, you should start writing your research. It is important to have enough time to write and revise your project. Always communicate with your supervisor as you progress. Most researches start with an objective question. Reflect on the topics and the theories you have covered in your syllabus. Start searching for any relevant information that reflects on your chosen subject. You will notice that as you focus on your topic and read more articles, your perspective on the research will start evolving. Therefore, you should change your research content as new information comes to light. Start creating plans and milestones to be achieved for you to complete your paper on time. Schedule meetings with your supervisor and ensure that you attend all of them. You should understand your institutions’ guidelines on collecting information and compiling it. The following is a general outline of a research paper: Chapter One involves the purpose of the study and its significance. Chapter Two is the literature review. It involves compiling information related to your topic using both softcopy and hardcopy. Chapter Three involves describing your research methodology. In Chapter Four, you list and describe your conclusions in detail. Section five involves discussing your findings and areas of future research. After completing your study, submit it on time to the chair of your institution so that you can defend it before a panel and revise your corrections after that.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Campaigns and Givenchy Shops in London Coursework

Campaigns and Givenchy Shops in London - Coursework Example The Bettina blouse was the standout design; it was white in color and was named after Bettina Graziani. The shirt can be found in one of the Gruaus paintings. His first design awarded him an instant success with praises from the New York Times magazine and L Album du Figaro. The Givenchy brand attracted the famous models of the day, for example; Dorian Leigh, Suzy Parker and Ivy Nicholson. Hubert de Givenchy created exciting innovations like "shirting" to design his casual and chic collections. In the year 1954, Givenchy introduced the shirt dress and a clothing line known as Givenchy university. But, before signing for this collection, he brought back all the shares of the fashion house from Loius Fontaine. In the 1950s, Hubert de Givenchy collaborated with Cristobal Balenciaga to take their collections to New York. In the year 1957, they introduced the sack dress and in 1958, they launched the baby doll and coats line. The house of Givenchy changed location and moved closer to Balenciaga in Avenue George V area. They jointly worked together to avoid any price dictates on their products. The seventies were the period when the house of Givenchy started to expand as a fashion house. They introduced Gentleman Givenchy, the fashion line for the male population. The boutique was opened in November the year 1969 at Avenue George V; the designs were appealing as they were up to date. Later that year, Givenchy came up with the short dress.Cristobal Balenciaga advised Givenchy to develop his licenses; this move was meant to protect his haute couture collections. 1971 saw Givenchy design embroidered coats in the honor of Joan Miro and Georges Braque. They also diversified their activities to desi gn; jewelry, shoes, ties, kimonos, tableware and upholstery (, 2015). In 1976, they opened offices and showrooms in New York Citys Fifth Avenue. The eighties and nineties saw the brand spackle with Hubert de  Givenchy winning several accolades.  

Company Analysis - Ipremier Case Study Term Paper

Company Analysis - Ipremier Case Study - Term Paper Example Turley is in a hotel room during the attack, it takes him time to coordinate a team to handle the crisis. The worst is that the team or the employees of the institution do not have proper knowledge of the technical operations of the system or the website hence they have to move all the way to the provider who cannot be reached over the phone at the time. The customers are at stake since their credit cards are in the verge of being stolen at any moment then. Taking into account the short period presented to Bob to handle the crisis as the CIO, we have to commend him for the enormous tasks he had to perform. It is also important to note that one of the obstacles is that the scenario was complicated. The case shows vividly that all the communication line got broken down during the attack prompting stress and panic among all the junior employees (Pendlebury & Groves, 2004). There is no clear division of duties to enhance the operations of the firm effectively and efficiently. Duties and responsibilities have to be assigned during the attack and this is further fueled by the existence of the outdated emergency procedures. We are informed from the case that, Bob during his tenure was to install or renew the system which they had no done up to this far and therefore had to move with speed most so after the occurrence of such vices. Another major problem was with Qdata the computer service provider. The firewall and the infrastructure of the services provided by them were not satisfactory and did not help in blocking or mitigating the attack. Qdata employees did not show enough expertise and experience in dealing with similar situations. The firewall was not able to prevent the attack given the low level of technology that Qdata was still embracing (Axelrod, 2004). Above all, Qdata employees were not willing to help iPremier’s representatives to access the NOC. In addition, this predicted the miscommunication between Ipremier and Qdata was clear in the case give n that an employee had to run all the way to the service provider (Fink, 2006). If I were Turley, amidst the crisis I would have engaged several risk management strategies rushing to protect the data systems using my It knowledge before remaining helpless. Secondly, I would have brought in an expert who was readily accessible to help in blocking any form of transactions from the site at least until normalcy returned before I informed the CEO of the technicalities just for a point of information. An urgent meeting of all the employees would then be called immediately to ponder on the way forward from the integration of the views of all the parties (Austine, Leibrock, & Murray, 2007). 2. The Ipremier Company CEO, Jack Samuelson, had already expressed to Bob Turley his concern that the company might eventually suffer from a "deficit in operating procedures." Were the company's operating procedures deficient in responding to this attack? What additional procedures might have been in pla ce to better handle the attack? As earlier pointed out by the CEO of Ipremier, Jack Samuelson of the existence of the operation procedures, actually, there exist several of the deficiencies in terms of the response given to this attack. The deficiencies are in form of the risk response and recovery systems concerning the business that the business is engaged and how they are running the business. First, the firewall of the system does not have a backup system given the low

Friday, October 18, 2019

We Would All Eventually Develop Cancer If We Lived Long Enough Essay

We Would All Eventually Develop Cancer If We Lived Long Enough - Essay Example The other causes are genetic predisposition inherited from families and medical factors such as certain viruses linked to cancer including human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer, hepatitis B and C and which cause liver cancer (7). Based on what cancer is and its causative agents, this paper tackles the questions of whether or not everybody will eventually get cancer at some point in their lives. With supportive evidence from scientific cancer studies, this paper takes a stance not everyone eventually gets cancer, including those who live long lives. Incidence rates for all types of cancers have increased for all age groups in Great Britain since the mid-1970s. However, the largest increase has been in the 75+ age bracket. The rise has been smaller in the other age groups with the 25-49 registering the smallest increases of 31% between 1975 and 1977 and 2009 and 2011. Although many factors cause cancer, people should not be misled that everyone will get cancer. Not everyone does. The interactions of factors of cancer make the basis of this discussion. The first factor is risky behaviour, by which people indulge in dangerous behaviours that predispose them to cancer or increase their cancer risks (6). These behaviours include smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, bad or an unhealthy diet (10). In other words, people who take better care of themselves compared to their more careless counterparts are not likely to get cancer, regardless of how long they live since the type of lifestyle a person lives has real and far-reaching consequences on their propensity to get cancer. The table below shows the observed and projected lifetime risks of contracting or being diagnosed with all types of cancers in the UK. Paradoxically, whereas some people take good care of their lives really well and still get cancer others who seem not to care at all and never get cancer.     

Health psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health psychology - Essay Example She is overweight, which is likely to be the contributing factor to her obesity. She is being regularly seen by her GP for monitoring. Her GP has recommended a change of diet and an increase in activity in order to manage her diabetes without being overly dependent on insulin injections. No improvements in Andrea’s condition were however seen. The GP suspects that she is not complying with his advice. Andrea however claims that she has changed her eating habits and has resorted to walking instead of taking the bus to work every day. Historical and conceptual background of the problem The issue of diabetes was first seen about 1550BC when an Egyptian papyrus described a disease which can cause a person to rapidly lose weight and to urinate frequently (, 2011). More references to this disease were seen in other ancient societies, including the Greeks, where they speak of a disease which manifests with excessive thirst, excessive urination, and loss of weight. Aretaeus , a Greek physician, named the disease â€Å"diabetes,† a word which means â€Å"flowing through† (, 2011). During the 19th century, more tests were developed which made it possible to test the presence of excess sugar in the urine. Attempts at treating this disease were attempted but were initially unsuccessful. During the Franco-Prussian War, a treatment which primarily involved a restricted diet was implemented and this diet seemed to be effective in managing the disease (, 2011). Microscopic studies by Philip Langerhans around this time also helped identify the tiny cell islands in the pancreas. Barron, in the 1920s related Langerhan’s cells to diabetes. Insulin was also identified and linked with the pancreas and diabetes. The treatment of this disease has improved significantly since then (, 2011). However, it remains one of the most difficult and delicate diseases to manage in health care. It has been known to cause variou s health complications, including organ damage and heart disease. Diet is said to be one of the major contributors to the rising rates of diabetes in the population. This diet is largely based on a high fat, high cholesterol, and high carbohydrate diet found in the foods currently consumed by the general population. Unhealthy diets often cause the increase of glucose in the blood—more than what the insulin can carry and bring to the pancreas for processing (Leslie and Robbins, 1995). Moreover, researchers have also established the condition known as endoplasmic reticulum stress triggered by a high fat diet. This stress causes the increased production of glucose in the liver which is a crucial step towards insulin resistance (Salk Institute, 2009). A major concern in the food industry and in health is the fact that more and more people prefer to eat in fast foods. These fast food chains sell foods which are high in fat, in sodium, and in carbohydrate content, thereby increasin g the prevalence of obesity in the general population (VOA News, 2005). Many working professionals who are too busy to go home and cook home cooked and healthy meals are also opting for fast foods. Andrea is no doubt one of these individuals who have been drawn into this type of diet. She occupies a managerial position which likely leaves room for healthy eating which also implies her indulgence in fast foods for her regular meals. The diabetes issue in Andrea’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Autobiographical Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Autobiographical Paper - Assignment Example The 1939 movie has its basis on Margaret Mitchell’s novel of a similar name published in 1936. Among the different movies that I have watched, Gone with the Wind remains the most outstanding. The impact, which the film made in my perception of life and all its challenges continue to last. Fleming’s Gone with the Wind’s most appealing aspect is its thematic approach. Despite being old and produced in 1939, the film remains influential in my life to date. It expresses the need for courage as the best way of surviving through times of crises in life. The movie’s approach to life is that it is characteristic of conflicts. In the movie, Fleming depicts conflicts in life through characters’ experience during the American Civil War period. Despite all the challenges of life, there is a need that people hold on by never giving up. The movie, therefore, emphasizes hope as a virtue that can keep people going. Fleming’s expression of the virtue of hope in life renders the movie influential in life. Based on the characters’ conduct, it is clear that determination is a sure way achieve every goal that an individual desires. Based on the movie’s themes, I established a fundamental life principle of endurance in the face of challenges after watching Fleming’s Gone with the Wind movie. The principles are invaluable to everyone regardless of gender, age, religion, or orientation in life. The movie, therefore, exceeds the limitations of time and lives on to represent the past and the present. The film explores essential characteristics of successful people by highlighting that there are always challenges along the path of all successful people. Perhaps an individual could be unaware that great leaders must learn to endure challenges that emanate from experiences. It is unprecedented that there will be a movie to remain relevant through history and inspirational to viewers in the same way as Fleming’s

Technology, Strategy and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology, Strategy and Innovation - Essay Example In Europe, firms with less than 10-49 employees are termed small firms, whereas firms with 50 to 249 employees fall under the definition of SMEs. SMEs usually tend to have greater market power than small firms and constitute around 99% of the total global enterprises (Shapira, n.d.). Despite their strength in numbers, a heavily competitive and globalized business environment is causing SMEs to struggle in order to compete effectively with large corporate companies. Particularly so because large companies have greater resources to influence the market power of SMEs. Their vast resources of manpower, materials, machines and money can be used to counter any competitive threat from SMEs. Under such circumstances, innovation in new products and business strategies becomes the only way for SMEs to survive. According to Fagerberg (2004), innovation is the process through which firms create and develop knowledge to develop new and improved products and services. On the other hand, Bordia et al. (2005) define innovation as the ability to define and develop new products and services and deliver them to market. According to Susman et al. (2006, p.16), innovation usually takes place in products, processes and markets. This paper discusses the importance of innovation in SMEs and how it is practiced. Innovation in small enterprises Innovation in firms is usually practiced through six channels: product, process, activities, non-technological, organizational, and marketing. The chart below provides a comparison of the popularity of various innovation channels in SMEs and large organizations. (Shapira, n.d., p. 2) From the chart, it is evident that process and organizational innovation in large organizations is carried out on a larger scale than in SMEs. In all other innovation channels, SMEs are not far behind large organizations. Product and process innovation together are termed as technological innovation because utilization of new technology is an essential characteristic of both. Product innovation utilizes new technology to develop innovative products. The iPhone is a good example of product innovation. When all other mobile phone manufacturers were concentrating on manufacturing traditional mobile phones, Apple came out with a touchscreen phone and created history. Many people have the illusion that technological innovation is the sole monopoly of large organizations. However, such innovation is possible in SMEs too. Bennet (1994, p.147) points out that smaller organizations are even more technologically advanced than the larger ones. It should be noted that when Hotmail was first introduced by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith it was an innovative service. After witnessing its popularity and realizing its potential, Microsoft acquired Hotmail later. Companies such as Google and Apple are busy acquiring the patents of many innovative products and services from SMEs. In short, product innovation in SMEs is not facing any barriers. On the other hand, pr ocess innovation in SMEs is taking place at a slower pace. Process innovation refers to improvements in production and delivery methods. Six Sigma implemented at Motorola is an example of process innovation. The core of process innovation is to eliminate or reduce costs of production, reduce waste, improve marketing and logistics operations, etc. Process innovati

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Autobiographical Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Autobiographical Paper - Assignment Example The 1939 movie has its basis on Margaret Mitchell’s novel of a similar name published in 1936. Among the different movies that I have watched, Gone with the Wind remains the most outstanding. The impact, which the film made in my perception of life and all its challenges continue to last. Fleming’s Gone with the Wind’s most appealing aspect is its thematic approach. Despite being old and produced in 1939, the film remains influential in my life to date. It expresses the need for courage as the best way of surviving through times of crises in life. The movie’s approach to life is that it is characteristic of conflicts. In the movie, Fleming depicts conflicts in life through characters’ experience during the American Civil War period. Despite all the challenges of life, there is a need that people hold on by never giving up. The movie, therefore, emphasizes hope as a virtue that can keep people going. Fleming’s expression of the virtue of hope in life renders the movie influential in life. Based on the characters’ conduct, it is clear that determination is a sure way achieve every goal that an individual desires. Based on the movie’s themes, I established a fundamental life principle of endurance in the face of challenges after watching Fleming’s Gone with the Wind movie. The principles are invaluable to everyone regardless of gender, age, religion, or orientation in life. The movie, therefore, exceeds the limitations of time and lives on to represent the past and the present. The film explores essential characteristics of successful people by highlighting that there are always challenges along the path of all successful people. Perhaps an individual could be unaware that great leaders must learn to endure challenges that emanate from experiences. It is unprecedented that there will be a movie to remain relevant through history and inspirational to viewers in the same way as Fleming’s

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Motivators For Tourist Trips To Different Destinations Essay

Motivators For Tourist Trips To Different Destinations - Essay Example Both outbound and inbound tourism have had a stable growth in tourists. The type and state of weather and climate are a major influence of tourist destinations. The state of the atmosphere in a given place at a particular time describes weather while climate is the prevailing condition of the atmosphere determined after a long period of surveillance(Avraham&Ketter, 2008).The travel and tourism industry has been a major contributor to the economy for a long period. Both outbound and inbound tourism have had a stable growth in tourists. The type and state of weather and climate are a major influence of tourist destinations. The state of the atmosphere in a given place at a particular time describes weather while climate is the prevailing condition of the atmosphere determined after a long period of surveillance(Avraham&Ketter, 2008).Climate is one of the elements of geography that constitute geographical space, contributing to the environmental conditions that encourage or hinder touri sm. People seek to settle in areas that offer the highest comfort and chances of existence in terms of climate. Following this fact, the climate is considered to delimit optimal zones for tourism both at a regional and global scale. For instance, the warm temperate zones are considered optimal for beach and sun tourism.Where tourism uses geographical space, it is because there is specific components which depending on how they are appreciated socially, can be exploited and subsequently assimilated into tourism as a good or service.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Computer network Essay Example for Free

Computer network Essay The Internet is network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols. Each runs software to provide or â€Å"serve† information and access and view information. The internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on other computers. It is sometimes compared to a giant international plumbing system. The internet itself does not contain information. What it was found in is one of the computers linked to the internet. The Internet, A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of academic, government, private, business, public networks and, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet can have many services, like Electronic mail(e-mail) that permits you to send and receive mail, Telnet(remote login) that permits your computer to onto another computer and use it as if you were there, FTP(File Transfer Protocol) allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your computer, etc. To access the internet by computer, you need a computer, a modem or other telecommunications link, and software to connect to an Internet Service Provider. The internet is indeed a wonderful, amazing and brilliant gift that has been given by science to humans. Presently in this modern era, the Internet plays a significant role in our daily human life. Whereas, we are seriously addicted to using the Internet in this century. Moreover, people like to spend plenty of our human lives. Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet is main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. There’s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risk discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools if it’s used adroitly. Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages. Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantages. They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not interested. People who have yet connected to the Internet claim they are not missing anything. Today s technological society must realize, it is up to them to protect themselves on the Internet. Half of U. S. adults, or 94 million Americans, aren’t online. Children using the Internet have become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet (Children and the Internet). When children are online, they can easily be lured into something dangerous. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person. As a result, there have been many cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. In fact, stories seem to come out every week: a child or teenager lured into something foolish, dangerous, or even deadly on line. Cathy Cleaver of the Family Research Council claims that it is against the law for a molester to even attempt to find children online In addition, children may also receive pornography online by mistake; therefore, causing concern among parents everywhere. Whether surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, or using email, children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material. Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus, children come across such sites easily. A man from Pearl, Mississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloading pornographic images of children from the Internet. He was charged with 290 counts of child pornography). Some critics say that parents are responsible for their own children on the Internet because there are available services to protect children. To keep children safe, parents and teachers must be aware of the dangers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Introduction To Sequences In Mathematics English Language Essay

An Introduction To Sequences In Mathematics English Language Essay This is an introduction to sequences. In mathematics, that is, discrete mathematics have learned about sequences, which is an ordered list of elements. The sequences is about arrangement of objects, people, tasks, grocery items, books, movies, or numbers, which has an order associated with it. Like a set, it contains members and the number of terms. This members is called elements or terms and the number of terms is also called the length of the sequences. Sequences having a natural numbers. There are all even numbers and odd numbers. This usually defined according to the formula: Sn = a, function of n = 1,2,3,a set A= {1,2,3,4} is a sequence. B = {1,1,2,2,3,3,} is though the numbers of repeating. There are specific sequences that have their own formulas and methods for finding the value of terms, such as arithmetic and geometric sequences. List of numbers, finite and infinite, that follow some rules are called sequences.P,Q,R,S is a sequences letters that differ from R,Q,P,S, as the ordering matters. Sequences can be finite or infinite. For this example is finite sequence. For example of infinite is such as the sequence of all odd positive integers (1,3,5,.). Finite sequences are sometimes known as strings or words, and infinite sequences as streams. The empty sequence ( ) is included in most notions of sequence, but may be excluded depending on the context. In this topic means sequences, there are covered about indexing, operation on sequences, sequences of integers, subsequences, increasing, decreasing, nonincreasing, nondecreasing, sigma notation, and pi notation. Besides that, in this topic also discuss about changing the index and limit in sum. Background A sequences was created by Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (1180-1250). Pisano means from Pisa and Fibonacci which means son of Bonacci. He known as by his nickname, Fibonacci. He was born in Pisa which is now part in Italy, the city with the famous Leaning Tower. He played important role in reviving ancient methematical skills, as well as making significant contributions of his own. He was known for a great interset in math. Because of the Fibonacci Series, He is most known. A series of numbers approaching nature reality. For example, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 233, 300, 377, The sum of the 2 preceding numbers are from each succeding number. Fibonacci was a member of the Bonacci family and traveled all around the Mediterranean as a boy. He traveled with his father who held a diplomatic post. To excel in solving a wide variety of mathematical problems, His keen interest in mathematics and his exposure to other cultures allowed Fibonacci. Fibonacci is probably best known for discovering the Fibonacci sequence. Besides that, A sequences is also was created by Leonardo Fibonacci. He is the Italian mathematician. He also known as Leonardo of Pisa, documented the mathematical sequences often found in nature in 1202 in his book, Liber Abaci which means book of the abacusIn the sequences, each number is sum of two numbers, such as 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 2 = 4, and so on. That sequence can be found in the spirals on the skin of a pineapple, sunflowers, seashells, the DNA double helix and, yes, pine cones. Sequences is one such technique is a make use of Fibonacci sequences in futures. Fibonacci who was innate in 1170. He found which a settlement reoccurred in nature, as well as a settlement was subsequent from a mathematical judgment of a fibre of numbers a third series is a total of a dual prior to it. In 2000, A sequence of posters designed at the Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences which were displayed month by month in the trains of London Underground to celebrate world mathematical year 2000. The aim of the posters was to bring maths to life A sequence of posters designed at the Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The aim of the posters was to bring maths to life, illustrating the wide applications of modern mathematics in all branches of science includes physical, biological, technological and financial. Each poster gives relevant mathematical links and information about mathematical. Show more Result of the research A sequences is ordered list of elements that normally defined according to this formula, Sn = a function of n = 1,2,3,If S is a sequences {Sn | n = 1,2,3,},] S1 denotes the first elements, S2 denoted the second elements and so on. The indexing set of the sequences,n usually the indexing set is natural number,N or infinite subset of N. In operations on sequences, If s = { a,b,c,d,e,f } is a sequences, then -head of s = a -tail of s = {b,c,d,e,f} -tail of s = {a,b,c,d,e} -last s = f For Concatenation of sequences, If S1 = {a,b,c} and s2 = {d,e}. Hence, concatenation of s1 n s2 denoted as = {a,b,c,d,e} For this concatenation of sequences, punctuation mark , must be written between these alphabet. Increasing sequences and decreasing sequences are two important types of sequences. Their relatives are nonincreasing and nondecreasing. Sn Sn+1 is used when sequences of s is decreasing for all n for which n for which n and n+1 are in the domain of the sequences. A sequences is nonincreasing if Sn à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ Sn+1 for all n for which n and n+1 are in the domain of the sequences. A sequences is nondecreasing if Snà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ Sn+1 for all n for which n and n+1 are in the domain of the sequences. Example:- For increasing, Sn = 2^n 1. n= 1, 2, 3,.The first element of s are 1, 3, 5, 7,. For decreasing, Sn = 4-2^n, n = 1, 2, 3,The first few elements of s are 2, 0, -2, -4, . For nonincreasing, The sequences 100, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 30. For nondecreasing, the sequences of 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5 The sequences 100, is increasing, decreasing, nonincreasing, nondecreasing since there is no value of i for which both i and i+1 are indexes. A subsequences of a sequences s is a sequences t that consists of certain elements of s retained in the original order they had in s. Example: let s = { Sn = n | n = 1,2,3,} 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, let t = { t=2n | n = 2,4,6,} 4, 8, 12, Hence, t is a subsequences of s. Two important operations on numerical sequences are adding and multiplying terms. Sigma notation, sum_{i=1}^{100}i. is about sum and summation. Summation is the operation of combining a sequence of numbers using addition. Hence, there are become a sum or total. Example: sum_{i=1}^ni = frac{n^2+n}2 For capital sigma notation, sum_{i=m}^n x_i = x_m + x_{m+1} + x_{m+2} +dots+ x_{n-1} + x_n. Example: sum_{k=2}^6 k^2 = 2^2+3^2+4^2+5^2+6^2 = 90 Pi is a product symbol for product of sequences of terms. This is alsoncaaled multiplication between all natural numbers. Pi notation, prod_{i=m}^n x_i = x_m cdot x_{m+1} cdot x_{m+2} cdot ,,cdots,, cdot x_{n-1} cdot x_n. Example: prod_{i=2}^6 left(1 + {1over i}right) = left(1 + {1over 2}right) cdot left(1 + {1over 3}right) cdot left(1 + {1over 4}right) cdot left(1 + {1over 5}right) cdot left(1 + {1over 6}right) = {7over 2}. Changing the index and limits in a sum. The formula to change the index and limit to the sum is, à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ_(1=0)^nà ¢-’à £Ã¢â€š ¬-ir^à £Ã¢â€š ¬-n-1 Limit of Sequence The notation of limit of a sequence is very natural. The fundamental concept of which the whole of analysis ultimately rests is that of the limit of the sequence. By considering some examples can make the position clear. Consider the sequence In this sequence, no number is zero. But we can see that the closer to zero the number of, the larger the number of n is. This state of relation can express by saying that as the number of tends to 0, the n increases, or that the sequence can converges to 0, or that they possess the limit to 0. The points crowd closer n closer to the point 0 as n increases; this means that the numbers are represented as points on a line. This situation is similar in the case of the sequence Here, too, as n increases, the numbers tends to 0; the only difference is that the numbers are sometimes less than and sometimes greater the limit 0; as we say, they oscillate about the limit. The convergence of the sequence to 0 is usually expressed by the equation or occasionally by the abbreviation . We consider the sequence where the integral index n takes all the value 1, 2, 3 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. . We can see at once that as n increases, the number will approach closer and closer to the number 1 if we write, in the sense that if we mark off any interval about the point 1 all the numbers following a certain must fall in that interval. We write The sequence behaves in a similar way. This sequence also tends to a limit as n increases, to the limit 1, in symbols, . We see this most readily if we write . Here, we need to show that as n increases the number tends to 0. For all values of n greater than 2 we have and. Hence, for the remainder we have , from which at once that tend to 0 as n increases. It is also gives an estimate of the amount by which the number (for can differ maximum from the limit 1; this certainly cant exceed . The example only considered illustrates the fact to naturally expect that for large values of n the terms with the highest indices in the numerator and denominator of the fraction for predominate and that they determine the limit. Applications 1)Fibonacci number Nowadays or in era science of technology, We will find a Fibonacci number using C++ programming. The following sequences are considered: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,.Two numbers of the sequence, a_1 and a_2 , the nth number a_n, n >=3.a_n = a_(n-1) + a_(n-2).Thus, a_3 = a_1 + a_2 = 1 + 1 = 2,a_4 = a_2 + a_3, and so on. Such a sequence is called a Fibonacci sequence. In the preceding sequence, a_2 = 1, and a_1 = 1, However any first two numbers, using this process. Nth number a_n, n >= 3 of the sequnces can be determined. The number has been determined this way is called the nth Fibonacci number. a_2 = 6 and a_1 = 3. Then, a_3 = a_2 + a_1 = 6 + 3 = 9, a_4 = a_3 + a_2 = 9 + 16 = 15. 2) Draft snake This game is most famous a long time ago. But now, a new generation still playing this game at free time. This game is closely with sequences which is about the numbers or all natural number but in this game, only positive number that have in this checker. However, it still in a sequences. Firstly, a player must play a dice to get a number so that he or she can move one place to another place to get a winner. These place to pleace is refer to the number. Each number that get from a dice will moves our position until he or she become a winner. Conclusion As we know, a sequences is about a series of numbers. A series of numbers in sequences, which is all natural number includes positive and negative integers, could be a finite sequence from some data source or an infinite sequence from a discrete dynamical system. All of the students, which is the students from the programming course learn about this topic in discrete mathematic as a minor subject in their course. Majoriti of the students said that this topic very interesting to learn and easy to score to get a highest marks in examination, test and others. Although this topic was considered very interesting to learn and easy to get a highest marks, but in this topis is also have a part that difficult to score and bored to learn. A difficult part was identified is the formula that used in this sequences. For example, one of the subtopic in a sequences is when to changing the index and limits in a sum, à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ_(1=0)^nà ¢-’à £Ã¢â€š ¬-ir^n-1à £Ã¢â€š ¬-. This formula is difficult to remembered among of the students. It is not only difficult to remembered, but a student is also difficult to remembered a way to calculate this problem where a question want a student change the index and limits in a sum. So, to solve these problem, another way must be created so that a student can solve these problem easier. May be a formula is fixed means it cannot be changed. Nowadays, a lot of ways was created by among of students to solve these problem. So another ideas must found themselves so that it easier to remembered. As a conclusion here, the subtopics in a sequences has interesting to learn and not interesting to learn. Besides that, it has easy to remembered and not easy to remembered. Here, does not all of topic are easy. This condition mest be identified so that a problem can be solved immediately and corretly among the students.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Philosophy of Education :: essays research papers

My Philosophy of Education   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that every child has the ability to learn, but it takes a good teacher to be able to bring this ability out. This is a role I would like to take. I believe the purposes of education are necessary for the child to live a successful life. In my opinion, the school’s goals should begin with providing students the necessary knowledge and experiences to help contribute to our society. And it will be a very important goal for me to help my students succeed any where they go.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being a teacher is something that I've thought about since the first grade. The desire to be a teacher is a different story. It is almost a powerful feeling knowing that I can change the lives of so many students. A child will learn as it grows up, that is a given. But will it learn properly is another story. I have not yet determined how I have learned because I am not yet grown up, but I believe there is a lot for me to learn, but I do know that I have a strong will to be an educator, and be remembered as some one who had an influence in a child’s life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everything taught in school will someday benefit the child whether he holds a job in that field, or has to figure out a real life problem that can be solved by using what he learned in school. I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. Some of these are having children experiment with examples of the topic being taught. Many children learn by doing, so the child has a better understanding of what is being taught. Another way that children may learn best is working in a small group with other children. The task can be done faster and more thought out, and there is less stress on the child. By working in a small group, the children can come up with different ideas and strategies on how to solve a problem. This benefits the child because he learns to help others, as well as having others help him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Numerous extracurricular activities should be provided so that the student’s can get involved with their school in many different ways. Somehow, the school needs to become a place that kids look forward to coming to every day, not a place they dread and don’t want to be at.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Notes on Jaws Essay

Characters in the film Chrissie, the first victim is different to everyone else because she almost deserved the attack because it was her own fault. She was drunk at a party and about to have sex with a random guy who she didn’t even know the name of. The boyd was ringing which indicated the fact that there was something in the water- evidently a shark. Subsequently, because she was drunk she could not hear this and the boy was to focused on running over to Chrissie that he was also oblivious to the important indication. Alex is a young boy with an older mother who says ‘just 10 more minutes’ for him staying in the water, if she had not said that and not let him go, he would still be alive. Contrasting two extremes, a large, meaty lady walked past Alex on the opening scene; straight away it strikes you how skinny Alex looks. Speilberg has done this so you think ‘Why was Alex eaten?’ when there were better people the shark could of picked. Another contrast demonstrated by Speilberg was that Alex’s mother was shouting ‘Alex, Alex, Alex’. She knew who her son was, very well, yet the first attack the boy who was the only one who could have potentially saved the victim had to ask for her name. This illustrates how different the two attacks were. False/Fake alerts Screaming makes you alert and suddenly aware of what is happening. Another technique Speilberg uses to catch your attention. There are a few fake attacks/alerts which have been proposed in the film of ‘Jaws’. Firstly, just before the first attack a girl in messing around in the water; initially we think it has something to do with the shark and so does chief Brody. Yet we are wrong, by using this technique is builds the audience’s expectations and then confounding what we expect with the reality. By doing so this makes us more aware that something is about to happen and makes us more excited for the real attack that is soon going to creep up on us. Another example of a false alarm is the ‘Sunday lunch attack’, when the two men are attempting to catch the shark. The strong shark pulls a tyre which is connected to the jetty (the trap) and it breaks the jetty causing the two men to fall in. Although, one of the men is dragged across towards the shark, in shock and realization he scrambles away towards land. Luckily, he gets out of the water just in time. But, we- the audience- believe that he is going to die because there is the shark music playing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Life in the Slums Essay

Life In The Slums Plan Intro: Life is tough living in the slums, but I’m used to it now so it’s not as hard as it was when we first moved here. Especially considering we were looking to come to the city for a better lifestyle, and to have a better chance for my parents to get a job, and for my siblings and I to go to school. My name is Anikal and I’m 13, I have 3 older brothers, and one younger sister. Para 1: living conditions and hygiene and population density Moved to Mumbai 4 years ago looking for a better life- ended up in slums It is basically a tip where we live It’s so crowded- 56% of residences have 3 or more people living in a single room It’s so dirty, it smells (although we are used to it now) People evacuating their bowls in the middle of the streets- 5 million residents don’t have access to toilets We don’t have showers we have to find little pools to clean off in- they’re generally dirty water It is a tough life to get used to- nothing is easy We were playing cricket on a big stretch of concrete and the police came chasing after us- we had to run and weave through the slums Para 2: work and employment opportunities and school and exploitation of children We originally moved to the city for the reasons of work and schooling My siblings and I get to go to school twice a week as that’s all we can afford We all have to work to get enough money for our family to eat, and to go to school It can be tough labor a lot of the time for little amounts of money We are working towards starting a business selling stuff- we aren’t sure what yet There aren’t many opportunities in the slums for work, so you have to take anything you can get We thought there would be a lot of opportunities in Mumbai There are in the main city, but very few in the slums We have to go around asking everyone if there’s anything we can do for them to earn a little bit of money We don’t get to keep that money for ourselves, we give it to mum and dad, and they use it for all the things we need Para 3: buildings and structures and infrastructure and police and security There are so many buildings in a small area in our slum Over half the population lives on 12% of the land When you are walking around there is only a small gap for sunlight to get through All the buildings are right together and the roofs hang over the footpath- if you can even call it a foot path There are some buildings that are more than one story, but they aren’t very safe For some people it doesn’t matter how unsafe it is, they just need somewhere to live The security isn’t all that great in the slums The police are sort of against us, when ever we go places we aren’t supposed to they’re straight onto us and will chase us for ages With people in the main city, they will politely tell them off, but us, straight into a full chase. Our house is substandard When it rains torrentially it sometimes leak We have hardly any access to hospitals and medical attention Conclusion: Life in the slums is tough. We moved to the city with the intention of starting fresh, and having more opportunities but we ended up in the slums. We’ve been here for four years and it’s been hard. I’m used to it now though. It is very unhygienic and packed. The population density is ridiculous. It’s been a hard run in terms of work and school, we only get a small education, and don’t have a job, we just have to try help out with same labor work for some money. There are so many buildings in such a small area, and we don’t have any security, and the police are just out to catch us doing the wrong thing. Our house is very small and squishy, but it’s the life I’m now used to, whether I like it or not, it’s how it is. Essay Life is tough living in the slums, but I’m used to it now so it’s not as hard as it was when we first moved here. Especially considering we were looking to come to the city for a better lifestyle, a chance for my parents to get a job, and for my siblings and I to get an education. My name is Anikal, I’m 13, I have 3 older brothers, and one younger sister. I’m live in the slums of Mumbai. My family and I moved to Mumbai looking for a better lifestyle, but ended up in the slums pretty quickly. It is basically like a tip where we live, it’s terrible. It is so crowded, people everywhere, and in 56% of the residences there are three or more people living in just one room! It is all so dirty, and smells (although we are used to the smell now). People just go to the toilet in the streets, 5 million people don’t have access to toilets, and in Dharavi there is one toilet per 1440 people. We don’t have access to showers- not many people do, but we have to use the water we have, or find pools of water we can clean off in. It’s a tough life to get used to in the slums, nothing comes easy. We were just playing cricket out the back of the slums on the concrete on someone else’s land, but no one was there, we weren’t affecting anyone, and the police just chased us on motorbikes with sticks and all, and we had to run back into the slums, on the roofs trying to get away. We eventually got away then ran back the other way passed them on the roof, we saw them though the gap in between two houses. We originally moved to the city of Mumbai in search of better work and schooling opportunities. My siblings and I only get to go to school twice a week, and get a small education as that’s all we can afford on our very small budget. My whole family has to work as much as we can helping people out, doing laboring work just to get enough money for the things we need. We are working towards trying to start up our own small business, and hopefully then have a steady income that we can live off. There aren’t many opportunities in the slums of Mumbai, so we have to take any work we can get. There are many opportunities if you’re in the main part of Mumbai, but unfortunately we’re in the slums. My siblings and I don’t get any pocket money, any money we go out and earn goes straight to our parents so that they can buy all the things we need, like food. There are so many buildings and other structures in our small area of the slums. It is packed, over half of the population lives on only 12% of the land. When you are walking around through the slums, there is only a small gap for any sunlight to get through between the roofs of buildings, over the footpaths- if you can even call it a footpath. There are some buildings in our slum that are more than one story, they aren’t very safe though, but for some people, thats their only option. We don’t really have any security in our slums, and the police are just out to catch us, whenever we are doing anything wrong, even the smallest thing that would normally just be a warning for others, they chase us all through our slums trying to catch us. They’re just constantly out to get us. Our house is very substandard, it’s just like a little hut, with two rooms that we’re all squished into. When there is torrential rain it can sometimes get in, but it’s u sually pretty good. We have hardly any access to any sort of medical care, and hospitals, so when we get sick or injured, we just have to hope its not too bad and that we can get through and come out better in time. Life in the slums is tough. We moved to the city with the intention of starting fresh, and having more opportunities but we ended up in the slums. We’ve been here for four years and it’s been hard. I’m used to it now though. It is very unhygienic and packed. The population density is ridiculous. It’s been a hard run in terms of work and school, we only get a small education, and don’t have a job, we just have to try help out with same labor work for some money. There are so many buildings in such a small area, and we don’t have any security, and the police are just out to catch us doing the wrong thing. Our house is very small and squishy, but it’s the life I’m now used to, whether I like it or not, it’s how it is. Bibliography: â€Å"Living conditions in the slums.† N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Marotta, Stephen. â€Å"Slums – mumbaiindias jimdo page!.† Introduction – mumbaiindias jimdo page!. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013. . Slumdog millionaire. Dir. Danny Boyle. Perf. Jamal Malik. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2009. DVD. hallam, james. â€Å"Dharavi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.† Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Aug. 2013. .

Main Theme of Lord of the Flies Essay

I think William Golding purposely chose the same setting as The Coral Island, but with a different ending of course, showing readers that us humans beings, as hard it might be to admit, unfortunately we have a wicked side and without supervision castigation to keep it in check. This sophisticated society that we live in would’ve turned into a barbaric anarchy instantly and still today, we have people who choose to ignore the civilization, take the risk and act like savages despite the â€Å"sophisticated society† but those people end up in jail. One of the major themes, isolation. What better way can you put it? The boys are stranded on an island, not mentioning the fact that they are still kids, innocent kids without adult supervision. This was obviously slowly making them hopeless as they realize that there is no way they’ll be rescued. But if you give it some thought, the island is similar to our society in many ways. Firstly, Golding makes the conch delineate power and authority, like the government today, because whoever held the conch in the story had the authority to speak. That rule is official when Ralph says â€Å"And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. We’ll have to have hands up like at school then I’ll give him the conch.† (Golding 31) This shows the effort Ralph was putting into bringing rules and order so it could bring all the other boys closer together as a society. The island is basically a microcosm, Golding uses it to imitate our world while giving comments and his own view of human nature and how it is. For that to happen, he uses objects that are symbolic referring to his ideas like the previous example I gave about the Government. Golding also uses the characters that duplicate historical and/or religious people and finally the setting where all the conflicts happen, having parallels in the real world and society. The boys show what happened in the story isn’t just a story. They help present Goldings belief that humankind is savage and evil under all that civilization. So, Lord of the flies is a microcosm, just in a smaller civilization. The physical location (the remote island) which Golding set to serve the theme of constructing civilisation. However, as the stranded boys progressed on this island together, savagery eventually invaded their instincts and this helped develop the theme of loss of innocence. Again, this story was set on an isolated island, it had all you needed, food, wood for shelter and fire and no dangerous animals, there werent any humans either, the boys were probably the first to set a foot on this island. As Ralph, Jack and Simon were climbing the hill for the first time together, they noticed the tracks and started wondering who them. They started following. â€Å"Animals† were Ralph’s answer. The setting here was kind of like paradise for the boys, it took all of society’s rules and orders on behavior and allowed the boys to do whatever they want, since they were in charge this time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Study on Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing Assignment - 1

A Study on Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing - Assignment Example These include quality control measures, selecting the best machines for production, maintaining higher levels of security, being potent in project management and proper maintenance of tools and equipments among other strategies. This paper addresses the case evaluation of Toyota and Total quality management by looking at the TQM methodologies and tools, some of the steps that were required in developing TQM at Toyota, how it was implemented at the company, how it worked, TQM criticism and finally how the company responded to the new plan of management. Total Quality management (TQM) is a management structure that mainly intends at improving production standards by using the already existing organs, for example, quality control (Besterfield, 2011). It is organized into four levels; Plan, Do, Check and Act, which is commonly abbreviated as PDCA. At the first level, Plan, there is identification of an issue, could be a challenge or a problem with all the relevant information concerning it not leaving out the problem,s main cause. It then develops further to the Do level where possible solutions are looked into. These further progresses into checking where the concerned parties do data comparison before it moves to the final stage where recommendations to the problems are done (Rawlins, 2008). Toyota motors is one of the companies that has successfully implemented Total Quality Management to ensure high quality products that serves their clients with contentment hence leading to success of the company, including the success of the soc iety. These refer to an accurate system used to justify a state of event or situation, which can be used in data analysis and, in turn, lead to accurate decision-making. Some of the tools and methodologies that are employed by TQM are the management tools, quality control tools and the improvement cycle, which is commonly referred to as PDCA (Besterfield, 2011). In ensuring that the production level at Toyota